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"Expert Tutors"

"Learn from experienced Levantine speakers who guide you in mastering the dialect."

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"Flexible Learning"

"Study at your own pace with personalized lesson plans that fit your schedule."


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"Join a community of learners and practice real conversations with native speakers."

Explore Our Courses

"Beginner Course"

"Start learning the basics of Levantine Arabic: greetings, phrases, and everyday vocabulary."

"Intermediate Course"

"Enhance your skills and dive deeper into grammar, vocabulary, and conversation practice."

"Advanced Course"

"Achieve fluency and tackle advanced topics such as complex sentence structures and idiomatic expressions."

What Our Students Say

"Levantly has transformed how I learn Levantine Arabic. The tutors are so helpful and patient."

"- Sarah, USA"

"I love the flexibility. I can study at my own pace and practice with native speakers."

"- Ali, Lebanon"

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